Sales Contract Cycle Optimization

Accodor Contract Management helps sales teams to take the advantage of Sales contracting process, avoid time overlap, meet their goals, improve the visibility, and increase revenue by simplifying and automate

Define Contract Management Objectives

Clearly outline the goals of your contract management process. These may include reducing contract cycle times, improving compliance, minimizing risks, enhancing collaboration between sales and legal teams, and increasing revenue through better negotiation terms.

  • You can create an Agreement request from Salesforce CRM
  • Account or Opportunity information automatically mapped with an agreement
  • Agreement information will be related list or attached to to the CRM application
  • Agreement information will be related list or attached to to the CRM application
  • Perform full contract lifecycle from CRM application without any additional integration.

Contract advanced search at the Sales CRM platform

Accorodr Contract Management features a central repository that stores all contracts in a single location. It can be configured to to store by category or Location. Advanced search options, sales tam can quickly search and access the contracts or contract information.

Facilitate Collaboration

Collaboration between sales, legal, finance, and other relevant departments involved in the contract lifecycle. Foster open communication channels to address issues and resolve conflicts promptly.

Accelerate sales cycle and Increase revenue. Enhance your customer experience with Accordor